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A/S Level Media Studies Blog

Monday 1 December 2008

Thriller Target Audiences.

Like with all genres of film, there are sub-genres, so the a target audience simply for 'thrillers' cannot be identified. However, more action based thrillers, such as Speed, are likely to have a younger age target audience than a psychological thriller, such as The Machinist. Also, it is likely that thrillers appeal more to men than women, unless of course the film in question is I-Robot, which many teenage girls watch, simply to see Will Smith semi-naked in a shower. They appeal more to men, probably because of the mystery involved. However, thrillers in general would appeal to anyone who likes to work things out for themselves, to follow a mystery and solve it, and who enjoy the element of surprise.


Mike said...

You could support the ideas here with some research into audience attendance figures. Try or BFI for UK ratings.

Sam said...
